1. Sharing of 50+ AI tools, covering 20 overseas trade business scenarios, all in this manual!

With the increasingly fierce competition in today's foreign trade industry and the rapidly changing market environment, the application of AI tools has become an important way for foreign trade practitioners to improve their work efficiency and effectiveness.
AI tools use artificial intelligence technology to efficiently process and analyze massive amounts of data, providing strong support for companies in language translation, market analysis, foreign trade customer acquisition, foreign trade marketing, brand building, customer relationship management, etc., effectively enhancing the company's overall competitiveness.
Produced by NetEase Foreign Trade"AI+Foreign Trade, Ushering in a New Era of Enterprises Going Global"This white paper will be divided into three chapters:Customer acquisition, marketing and tools, aims to provide a comprehensive and practical AI application guide to help foreign trade practitioners stand out in the fierce market competition.
Scan the QR code on the poster at the end of the article to have a chance to get three white papers in the AI+Foreign Trade series immediately!

This week, we will give you free AI+ foreign trade series tools

"AI Tools Manual for Foreign Trade People"

Contains "combination of AI and foreign trade"

Introduction to 20 application scenarios and common AI tools!

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