Still don’t know how to use AI to acquire customers? Foreign trade colleagues are secretly rolling in! The white paper is available for a limited time

The development of AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology is subverting the development model of various industries, and the foreign trade industry is no exception.
AI can enable foreign trade companies to acquire customers more efficiently and accurately, while also improving efficiency in marketing, supply chain management, and customer management, reducing operating costs and greatly improving customer satisfaction.
More importantly, the application of AI will create unprecedented opportunities for overseas trade.
NetEase Foreign Trade has carefully produced a series of white papers titled "AI+Foreign Trade, Creating a New Era for Enterprises Going Overseas". The white paper will be divided into three chapters: customer acquisition, marketing, and tools. It aims to provide a comprehensive and practical AI application guide to help foreign trade practitioners stand out in the fierce market competition.
Scan the QR code on the poster at the end of the article to have a chance to get three white papers in the AI+Foreign Trade series immediately!

Main contents of the "AI Intelligent Customer Development Strategy White Paper"
1. The core principles, advantages, challenges and opportunities of AI customer acquisition 2. In-depth analysis of new ideas for overseas customer acquisition 3. Combined with tools, detailed analysis of the three golden steps of AI customer acquisition 4. How to use AI to build an independent foreign trade website and acquire customers at a very low cost

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