NetEase Foreign Trade: How to revitalize and follow up customers?

When using NetEase Foreign Trade to revitalize and follow up customers, you can refer to the following point-by-point representation and summary methods:

1. 完善客户信息

  • basic information: Ensure that the customer’s basic information in NetEase Foreign Trade, such as company name, contact information, address, etc., is accurate to facilitate subsequent communication and follow-up.
  • Product preferences: Record customers’ product preferences and purchase history so that they can more accurately meet customer needs when recommending new products or promotions.

2. 定期发送营销邮件

  • content of email: Based on customers’ purchase history and preferences, regularly send personalized marketing emails to introduce new products, promotions or industry news.
  • sending frequency: Pay attention to the frequency of sending emails to avoid being too frequent or sparse. It is recommended to send emails once a week or monthly.

3. 主动联系潜在客户

  • Active search: Actively search for potential customers on NetEase Foreign Trade, contact them through in-site letters or emails, and introduce the company's products and services.
  • establish trust: During initial contact, be courteous and professional and build a trusting relationship by providing valuable information or solutions.

4. 参与行业展会和活动

  • Offline interaction: Participate in industry exhibitions and activities related to target customers, understand customer needs more directly through offline interactions, and establish deeper cooperative relationships.
  • follow up: After the exhibition or event, follow up with potential customers in a timely manner and provide follow-up product or service information.

5. 利用社交媒体平台

  • Create social media accounts: Establish corporate accounts on social media platforms such as WeChat and Weibo, and regularly publish industry information, product introductions and other content to attract the attention of potential customers.
  • Interaction and reply: Actively respond to customer comments and private messages, solve customer problems and concerns, and improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.

6. 定期更新网站和产品信息

  • Website content: Regularly update the content of the company's website, including product introductions, case displays, industry reports, etc., to ensure that customers can obtain the latest information.
  • SEO optimization: Improve the website’s ranking in search engines through search engine optimization (SEO) technology, increase exposure, and attract more potential customers.

7. 数据分析与调整策略

  • Customer data analysis: Regularly analyze customer data, including purchase history, browsing history, etc., to understand changes in customer needs and preferences.
  • Adjust strategy: Adjust marketing strategies and product strategies based on data analysis results to better meet customer needs and improve sales performance.


By improving customer information, regularly sending marketing emails, proactively contacting potential customers, participating in industry exhibitions and events, using social media platforms, regularly updating website and product information, and analyzing data and adjusting strategies, we can effectively revitalize and follow up on customers. At the same time, care needs to be taken to remain polite and professional when communicating with customers, and to provide valuable information or solutions to build trusting relationships.

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