NetEase Foreign Trade Training: How to create new customers/leads?

To create a new customer/lead in NetEase Foreign Trade, you can follow the steps below. The specific process is as follows:

Create new customer

  1. Enter customer list: First, find the "Customer" or "Customer Management" option in the main interface or sidebar of NetEase Foreign Trade, and click to enter the customer list page.
  2. Create new customer
    • Create new manually: On the customer list page, click the "New Customer" button in the upper right corner to enter the new customer page.
    • Fill in the information: On the new customer page, follow the prompts to fill in the customer's relevant information, including company name, contact name, position, contact number, email address, etc. Among them, fields marked with "*" are required.
    • Submit to save: After filling in the information, click the "Submit" button to save the customer information. If you need to create a new customer contact at the same time, you can choose to click "Submit and create a new contact" to perform the operation.
  3. Batch Import: If you need to import multiple customer information at one time, you can use the batch import function provided by NetEase Foreign Trade. Prepare the Excel file containing customer information in the specified format, and then import it into the customer list through the import process.

Create new lead

  1. Find clues
    • Customs Data: Find information about potential customers through the customs data function of NetEase Foreign Trade. After clicking on the company name, the company details can be displayed.
    • Global search: Use the global search function and enter keywords or conditions to find customer data that meets your needs.
  2. Create new lead
    • Enter clues: On the customer details page, click the "Enter Leads" button in the upper right corner. The system will pop up a prompt that the clue entry is successful and display the clue in the clue list.
    • Enter customers: If you need to directly convert leads into customers, you can choose to click the "Enter Customers" button. Similar to creating a new customer, you need to fill in the customer's relevant information and submit and save it.


Creating a new customer/lead in NetEase Foreign Trade mainly involves basic steps such as entering the customer list, filling in information, submitting and saving. At the same time, it also provides convenient functions for batch import and searching and creating new clues from customs data, global search and other channels. These functions are designed to help users manage customer information more efficiently and provide support for subsequent follow-up and sales.

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