NetEase Foreign Trade Training: How to write a good marketing letter?

To write a good marketing letter using NetEase Foreign Trade, you can refer to the following clear format and key points when writing:

1. 明确目标

  • Determine target customers: Based on the data analysis of NetEase Foreign Trade, clarify the specific customer groups to which the email will be sent.
  • Set marketing goals: Is it to increase brand awareness, promote new products, or promote sales?

2. 邮件标题

  • concise: The title should be controlled within 30-40 characters and avoid being too long.
  • Outstanding advantages: Such as "95% customer satisfaction, experience our new products!"
  • Create a sense of urgency: Such as "Limited time offer, don't miss it anymore!"
  • personalise: Personalized based on customer preferences and purchase history, such as "Congratulations on your exclusive offer!"

3. 邮件内容

  • beginning
    • Pique your customers' interest right away, using the USP (Unique Selling Point) method or emphasizing your product's unique benefits.
    • For example: "Are you looking for a solution that can save 50% on costs?"
  • middle part
    • Detail the features, benefits, and value of your product or service.
    • Use numbers and statistics to increase persuasiveness, such as “95% of customers reported a significant increase in satisfaction after use.”
    • Cite customer testimonials or case studies, such as "XX company's sales increased by 50% after using our products."
    • Emphasize the product's sense of urgency or limited offer, such as "Only the last 10 pieces left, so hurry up if you want to buy!"
  • end
    • Use a clear call to action (CTA) like "Click here to buy" or "Contact us now for more information."
    • Emphasize the great feeling of owning the product or the benefits of the solution.

4. 邮件设计

  • Use templates: Customize according to the email template provided by NetEase Foreign Trade to ensure that the email format is clean and professional.
  • Pictures and links: Appropriately add product images and links to improve the attractiveness and interactivity of emails.

5. 发送时间和频率

  • Send time: Select the time period when the target customer is most likely to view the email and send it, such as the morning or afternoon on weekdays.
  • sending frequency: Avoid sending excessive emails so as not to disturb your customers. Adjust sending frequency based on marketing goals and customer feedback.

6. 监测和优化

  • Use the data analysis tools provided by NetEase Foreign Trade to monitor indicators such as email delivery rate, open rate, click rate, and reply rate.
  • Optimize email titles, content and sending strategies based on data analysis results to improve the effectiveness of email marketing.

7. 合规性

  • Make sure email content adheres to relevant laws, regulations and best practices and avoid using misleading titles or overpromising.

By following the above steps and key points, you can write a NetEase foreign trade marketing letter that is both professional and effective.

Foreign Trade Agent
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