Foreign trade customer management skills: online lead management

Fully integrating fragmented data and applying it to daily management is the key to making data generate value.
In many foreign trade companies, due to the high turnover of sales staff and the uneven number of customers in the hands of new and old salesmen, the overall customer follow-up efficiency of foreign trade companies is low, wasting customer resources. By setting up an online customer channel and establishing a corresponding mechanism, this problem can be well solved. (* Channel leads refer to customer resources shared by everyone in the company, which are customers that can be collected or assigned)
For example, all customer information can be deposited online, so that salesmen and managers can have a global view of the total number of leads and claim high seas customers for follow-up at any time; managers can also set rules for salesmen's private sea customers to be automatically transferred to the high seas to activate the company's customer resources.
A clothing trading company has formulated the following rules for entering the high seas: All salesmen can receive potential customers from the high seas lead pool, but if the potential customer has not been contacted for 15 days in the first salesman's follow-up list, the customer information will be transferred to other salesmen for follow-up. Each customer lead will have a clear follow-up salesperson, which will not cause the company to follow up on customers and avoid waste caused by not following up on leads. At the same time, the follow-up records of each customer can also be recorded throughout the process to understand all past actions with the customer.
In addition, in NetEase Foreign Trade "Customer Management", you can directly enter leads from different channels such as emails, social media, search engines, etc. as customers and indicate the source. In this step, you can judge the level of investment in each customer acquisition channel by the source of the closed customers and the conversion of leads, and use data to assist managers in making decisions.

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